Posts from 2023
Two Perspectives on Rebellion
As Israel’s “old” and final judge was nearing his last days, the elders of Israel gathered to Samuel and made their demands. The first thing they basically said was, “We don’t want you or your sons!” And then they laid out this directive, “Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations” (1 Sam. 8:5). Notice several things about this demand. Their timeframe for this change was “now.” They were done waiting. They wanted satisfaction to their…
Seek, Speak, Show
In Romans 6:15-18 Paul refers to the Christian as a ‘slave to righteousness’ since they have been freed from the bondage of sin and now have an obligation of obedience to God who has freed them. In fact, in John 14:15 Jesus would even say, ‘if you love me keep my commandments.’ So, through the New Testament it is made clear that a Christian as a duty and obligation to God, but what does that intel? Ultimately there are many…
Desiring the Word of God
There are many lessons for a Christian to learn from in the Old Testament both good and bad. The Israelites were God’s chosen people, but they were a people that didn’t always choose God. The Book of Nehemiah contains a portion of their during a time they were choosing God coming from a captivity they endured after not choosing God. Nehemiah and Ezra were dealing with a people who wanted to follow God, but didn’t know how, so in Nehemiah…
Expansion and Refinement
At this point we have considered six of the seven steps you may take in an in-depth bible study. Those steps thus far have been – surveying the text, analyzing the text (Contextual, formal, & detailed), synthesis, and the one we looked at last week, reflection. If the bible student has followed these steps there should be a better understanding of the text, then when they first started. This understanding may not be perfect or without flaw, but hopefully it…
Biblical Synthesis
Continuing our consideration of methods to an in-depth study of Scripture we come to a step that is known as synthesis. Synthesis is simply a fancy way of saying “here is the main point.” So far in this process we have been looking at the finer details of a text. In the process of analysis, we are trying to find all of the little pieces. Synthesis is where we put the pieces together and see the full picture. A biblical…
Biblical Analysis
In a Biblical study if surveying the scripture is where one asks questions and makes observations then biblical analysis is where they start answering those questions. There are three forms of analysis that we will consider for our purpose of studying scripture: contextual analysis, formal analysis, and detailed analysis. Contextual analysis seeks to answer two main questions; what was the historical, cultural, political landscape during the time the text was written, and how does the text relate to the passage/book…
At First Glance at Scripture
Last week we considered what exegesis is, and some steps you may take during a study of scripture. This week we are going to consider that first step, surveying the scripture. This is maybe the most common and easy step one will take in their studies. (Acts 2:37) Surveying the scripture is another way of essentially saying, “what are your first thoughts after your first read through of the scripture?” This is where you write down your questions, highlight certain…
Becoming Biblical Scholars
Exegesis is a weird word that many Christians have not heard before. It can simple be defined as a historical, literary, and theological analysis of scripture. Ultimately it is an investigation into scripture; the process of asking questions. Most who begin this process of breaking down a text have a similar goal, understanding. Most Christians seek this same thing. They seek to understand scripture. Sometimes one just doesn’t know simply where to begin. They are not biblical scholars. But they…
What Do YOU Think?
The Bible can be a complicated book and hard to understand at times. Reading it in a year is a challenge and you may encounter verses, chapters, and maybe even books that are confusing. As a result, this sometimes leads us to look towards outside sources for guidance. There is nothing wrong with many of these sources, but we should not let them influence us to taking their words as gospel. Every student of the Bible, and as a Christian…